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PHP Script and Website Clone

Discover all our PHP and Clone web site scripts, turnkey solutions to succeed your business on the internet, choose among our script and our script in development.

Our turnkey website solutions available now

Music Band Script

Music Band Script

Fast Delivery

Fast Delivery

Love Dating Script

Love Dating Script

Create your dating site according to your choice and customize it. Mail, account, payment all is planned so that your customers find the soul mate.

MP3 Music Script

MP3 Music Script

Create a site for listening and downloading MP3s. Ability to listen online, download or not the pieces and share on social networks.

Régie Publicitaire Script

Régie Publicitaire Script

A complete script to create your advertising network on the internet at CPM, with administration, management of banners, registration management, etc.

PAS Script PHP

PAS Script PHP

A complete script containing all the tools to succeed and create a classifieds site. Interactive map, payment system, advertising, advanced option, editable design.

Facebook Prank Script PHP

Facebook Prank Script PHP

A PHP script to spread false rumors on Facebook and make a good joke, completely viral script to attract a maximum of world and generate advertising revenue.

Our solutions currently under development

Deal Express Script PHP

Deal Express

Créer des deals et coupon de réduction et vendez-les à vos clients à la manière de Groupon. Deux possibilité s'offre à vous vendre des coupons et marchandise grâce à ce script.

Who are we ?

Shua Creation is a software editor and innovative solution for the general public and businesses. We offer many scripts, application models and templates for your future projects. Our motto is to save you precious time with quality tools.

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