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Payment Stripe (PHP Script)

Make your users pay by Stripe by credit card on your website

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Use Stripe for your credit card payments on your website

This script was designed for developers to save you valuable time when developing a website to integrate Stripe Payments on your website. The script contains a documenting and easy-to-use class with a sample use and a tutorial for configuration from a Stripe Account.

In some lines integrate the Payment Stripe to your website.

Some example of use

Set up a Stripe Payment button :

include "class.stripe.php";

$class_stripe = new StripePaiement();

// Afficher le bouton de paiement Stripe
echo $class_stripe->showButtonPaiement('2,99','Le super produit','','fr','Payer par carte bancaire','eur',$array);

Recover the payment :
$array = $class_stripe->getReturnPaiement('2,99','eur','Le super produit');
if(count($array) != 0)
        echo 'Paiement accepter';
        echo 'Paiement error : '.$array['msg_error'];
Refund a transaction with the transaction id

include "class.stripe.php";

$class_stripe = new StripePaiement();

$array = $class_stripe->refundTransaction("ID_DE_LA_TRANSACTION_A_REMBOURSER");

Get the current balance from the Stripe account (Payment available and pending)

include "class.stripe.php";

$class_stripe = new StripePaiement();
$array = $class_stripe->getBalanceStripe();



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